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Website Copy.

The Content Recipe - Classic Website.

What’s included.

About us:
Gives your site visitor and insight about you and your business, how it started, when and why. Before potential customers buy from you they will look for information that relates to what they are looking for. They also want to know that they can trust the business they are buying from. Sharing a story of how your business came about and what makes you a great business, helps in building rapport and a connection with your customer.

Word Count 250-300.

In this section you provide information on what products or services your business offers. Say for example you are a digital marketing company, your services may include: Design and Development, Email Marketing and Social Media. This page would outlay these services generally, but can expand in more depth via links to sub-pages, which provides more detail. (additional)

Word Count 250-300.

Contact Us:
Includes all details on how you wish your customers to contact you.

Includes Email Form.

Terms and Conditions:
Sets the legal structure of use between the website operator and the user, and states what is and is not offered by the business. Also covered are various areas such as: Legal disclosure obligations, contractual agreements of use, website rules of acceptable use and limits to reduce warranties and liabilities.
Please note: Terms and conditions do not imply legal protection and may require legal representation in the event of a dispute.

Word Count 350-500.

Privacy Policy:
Almost all websites collect some form of user personal information. In Australia, the federal Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (Privacy Act) regulates the collection, use and disclosure of personal data (referred to in the Act as "personal information"). Your website ‘Privacy Policy’ should indicate compliance with data protection and laws, reassure users that their information is being carefully and lawfully, collected, stored and used. 

Word Count 250-350.

Once your content draft is complete you can review and edit the information two times. Therefore, it is important to read through carefully and make any changes you wish at this stage.

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Website copy.

From A$450.